
Draft Mentor Diagnostic Constructs

by Andrew Gibbons, copyright holder

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  1. I listen to the whole issue before commenting.
  2. I give advice but still expect the mentee to make their own decisions.
  3. I always find time to help.
  4. I always question thoroughly to find the real issues.
  5. I always give honest opinions.
  6. I have a good range of networks and contacts that can be utilised appropriately.
  7. I am not intimidating - I'm easy to approach at any time.
  8. I know what I am talking about - I am good at my own job.
  9. I look for the reality within which a mentee works.
  10. I always focus on mentee needs during a mentoring session.
  11. I Don't get irritated by a mentee who doesn't get the point quickly.
  12. I am an optimist.
  13. I am encouraging.
  14. I am always well prepared in advance.
  15. I am a positive role model in terms of my own achievements.
  16. I can help a mentee believe in their potential.
  17. I am open to new ideas.
  18. I know when to introduce options which may not have been considered.
  19. I can challenge assumptions skilfully.
  20. I am a positive person.
  21. I possess great patience.
  22. I am interested in people.
  23. I am an active listener.
  24. I am non-judgmental.
  25. I feel comfortable about having my views challenged.
  26. I am enthusiastic about mentoring.
  27. I am very knowledgeable about developmental issues.
  28. I am tolerant.
  29. I don't expect a mentee to be like me.
  30. I am prepared to learn with the mentee.
  31. I can give feedback skilfully.
  32. I can allow a mentee the freedom and confidence to make mistakes.
  33. I see my mentees as equals.
  34. I have sound judgement.
  35. I am able to distance myself, and maintain objectivity.
  36. I am keen to allow mentees to make their own decisions.
  37. I keep in regular contact with those I mentor.
  38. I take an interest in the individual mentee - I value their views and what they say.
  39. I am able to probe beyond the superficial.
  40. I can provide the space for a mentee to express their feelings.
  41. I can draw out a mentees' ideas and I'm willing to use them.
  42. I have a true passion for developing others, and really believe in the value of development.
  43. I can avoid the temptation to direct conversation back to myself and my issues and experiences.
  44. I can challenge constructively and directly to get to the heart of the matter.
  45. I won't just tell a mentee what they want to hear.
  46. I never appear keen to get a mentoring meeting over with and move on to the next thing.
  47. I don't talk about my own achievements too much.
  48. I have a genuine desire to empower.
  49. I am responsive to my mentee.

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